Monthly Archives: April 2013

Sabaidee Pee Mai (Happy New Year)

It is been awhile since my last blog.  First of all, I like to wish everyone “Sok Dee Pee Mai” (Happy New Year).  Most of the Lao/Cambodian temples around Northern California are hosting New Year festivals this past weekend.  This year, I only made it to the local temple to celebrate the New Year festivities.  I didn’t make it out to Modesto temple because I was glued to the television watching The Master.  Most people probably thinks golf is the most boring sport to watch on television, but that wasn’t the case on Sunday afternoon.

Anyways, back to the New Year celebrations… Such an event like this brings out a lot of people in the community.  I ran into so many old friends and old neighbors that I normally do not get to see.  Here are some of the pictures I took from the event.

Left: DaoDuangMai from Laos; Right: Ms. Darling from San Diego, CA

Left: DaoDuangMai from Laos; Right: Ms. Darling from San Diego, CA

2 of the contestants show up late and miss out on photo session.

2 of the contestants show up late and miss out on photo session.

Contestant#4 Former Beauty Former Beauty1 Contestants1 The winner The winner1 2nd1st3rd