Monthly Archives: August 2010

How Do People Deal With The Lost of Love One?

I’ve been dealing with this issue for the past couple weeks now.  First, it was the state of shock and disbelieve.  All the thoughts flowing out of no where and the feeling of guilt.  I blame myself for not reaching out as often.  People often said sometime it takes death to bring everyone together.

It is been tough trying to get back to daily life and trying to move on.  I often find myself sitting there thinking about that person, the time we shared and all those memories.

Camping at Jenkinson Lake

It is been few years since the last time I camped out at the woods.  This past weekend I had a chance to get away from the city for few days.  My brother picked the site for our weekend camping.  The site is at Jenkinson Lake in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, about 45 miles from South Lake Tahoe.  I didn’t get a chance to take as many pictures as I like to.  Most of the time I was busy eating or swimming.

my nephew on the boat from the distance..

so peaceful.. water is nice and cold.. ducks are out hunting for foods

very nice place to do some kayaking..

little princess is getting a swimming lesson.. she loves the water

my niece and nephew took the boat out... looks like they are enjoying themselves.

All these pictures are taken by using manual mode.  My co-workers told me few of the pictures could be improve by using flash light even with the full sun.  I’m still trying to familiar myself with different settings.  It is so complicated, but I’ve notices the different between auto vs. manual modes setting.  I hope to be better at it soon:-).

Nong Xeum

During the weekend, most city folks in Laos heads out to the country side for some foods and relaxation.  There are two very popular resorts within 25 km radius of the city center.  One of the oldest establishment is locate in Gang Pa Yarng surrounded with rice field.  The popular destination for most city folks is Nong Xeum.  This place is huge, I was told that they have something like 80+ individual private huts along the shore of Nong Xeum.  We got there late and took awhile before one of the private hut became available.

man made pond..

good place to be... escaping the heat in the city

In all the ponds are full of these fishes.. I hope they didn't net these fishes and grill it for customers.. hahahha

my buddy daughter was having fun feeding those fishes.

you will find people gambling at almost every huts... lao people just love to gamble hahahha

i thought is kind of funny that they post this sign up... people will just gamble it away

as you can see here.. hut after hut... people are gathering in circles.. hahahha the hut right next to us, there are two groups of young ladies gambling and drinking beerlao among friends.. gotto love this 🙂

this particular hut probably have the best view of the lake..

sunset at nong xeum.. what a day:-)

I would go back to this place again on the next trip back to Laos.  The foods was good and bathrooms was clean.  Next time I’ll blog about the other place in Gang Pa Yarng.  After I got back to the U.S., I found out from my cousin that the owner of Nong Xeum is a friend’s brother.  Whom moved back to Laos few years ago to start a business and looks like he hit a jackpot.